Underarm Hair Removal Demonstration

hair removal sugaring underarms waxing

Hi #TWHFam - 

Today I sugared my underarms and thought you might want to see it happening. It's so nice to be able to get this done without taking time out of my day to make an appointment, go to the appointment, park, pay, etc. 

Annnnd....I don't know if you'll catch it....but there's a little squeak coming from outside the frame. Which gives me another reason to remove my unwanted underarm hair at home.

When you're ready to ditch the hassle of salon visits and keep yourself as hair free as you'd like to be, order your jar of The Wicked Hair Removal Formula and sugar yourself in your own home, on your own time. 

What do YOU call them? Underarms or Armpits? Why? Leave your comment below - I'm so curious!

Thanks for watching and I'll see you next time.